
Global Settings

Option Value
Enable debugging?
Override the default resolver with another DNS server. For example, is Google's open DNS server.
Number of seconds before giving up on a HTTP request.
List of usernames that if found as usernames or as part of e-mail addresses, should be treated differently to non-generics.
List of Internet TLDs.
Hours to cache the Internet TLD list. This can safely be quite a long time given that the list doesn't change too often.
Max number of modules to run concurrently
SOCKS Server Type. Can be '4', '5', 'HTTP' or 'TOR'
SOCKS Server IP Address.
SOCKS Server TCP Port. Usually 1080 for 4/5, 8080 for HTTP and 9050 for TOR.
SOCKS Username. Valid only for SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 servers.
SOCKS Password. Valid only for SOCKS5 servers.
User-Agent string to use for HTTP requests. Prefix with an '@' to randomly select the User Agent from a file containing user agent strings for each request, e.g. @C:\useragents.txt or @/home/bob/useragents.txt. Or supply a URL to load the list from there.